About the Author

Dave Carnegie

USA Today bestselling author Dave Carnegie was born in New York in 1968. 

A psychology professional by day, writer by night, he is very active in the development and research of innovative and performing self-help programs. 

Dave completely changed his life studying and applying hypnosis therapy and he became a successful reference point for many people. Thanks to his prodigious studies he decided to make his passion his life, changing and improving the lives of others.

Throughout his career, Dave has collaborated with some of the best scientists and psychologists of the world, showing to the public how his programs can dramatically improve people's lives, both psychologically, socially and physically.

Carnegie is famous for demonstrating in his experiments how thousands of couples solved their anxiety and jealousy problems following a step-by-step healing process and finally saving their relationship.

Dave has in fact pointed out that reprogramming the brain can easily increase self-esteem, improve social relations and psychophysical health.